Jenga Green Library – Promoting Green Building Materials in Kenya.

Plastiki Rafiki is proud to be part of the Jenga Green Library – a directory of Green Building Materials and Services developed by The Kenya Green Building Society (KGBS) in partnership with FSD Kenya.
At the recent launch of the Library at the Sarit Centre, Kurt, one of the club leaders, took part in panel discussion on the Future of Green Building in Kenya. We are immensely proud and humbled that a student-run service project was given this platform. Kurt highlighted the need for the informal / low-income construction sector to be part of the change, highlighting how affordable locally assembled and open source plastic recycling machines can be part of the solution.
The library aspires to be a one-stop-shop for displaying the entire supply chain of sustainable building materials and services, including suppliers, dealers, retailers, service providers, and sustainable building consultants in Kenya. It will assist developers, buyers, homeowners and urban planners to efficiently identify green products and service providers who drive towards sustainability within the built environment.
Find out more by visiting or download the mobile app.
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