Tuktuk with a Mission!
One year ago we partnered with the ISK Autos Club to transform a 1-cylinder diesel-powered 1970 PiagioApe passenger-carrier into a pick-up designed for waste collection and showcasing recycled plastic products.…
One year ago we partnered with the ISK Autos Club to transform a 1-cylinder diesel-powered 1970 PiagioApe passenger-carrier into a pick-up designed for waste collection and showcasing recycled plastic products.…
During our recent Intercultural Trips to Watamu and the Masai Mara, our students took part in beach and community clean-up efforts, using our custom-made Taka Tongs to collect waste. These…
Check out this feature on Plastiki Rafiki, produced by our friends at Precious Plastic! We can not thank Precious Plastic enough for all their work, support, and vision over the…
Plastiki Rafiki created trophies and medals made out 100% recycled plastic for the recently concluded Faraja Cancer Support Trust Whitewater rafting challenge. The gold, silver and bronze medals designed by…
Plastiki Rafiki designed and carefully crafted 13 trophies for the recently concluded Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) Sustainability Recognition Awards. The unique trophies were made out of recycled plastic and…
Check out this amazing project by Siana, a Plastiki Rafiki member and ISK STEM Pathways student, who spent much of last year volunteering with local turtle conservation organizations during ISK's…
Check out Plastiki Rafiki member Anders Luffman's Eagle Scout Project addressing the issue of deforestation and scarce biodiversity within the Southern Aberdare Forest in Kenya using seed-balls and Plastiki Rafiki…
We recently organized a design thinking workshop with the Mathare One Stop Youth Centre in collaboration with IOM and UN Habitat. We brainstormed ideas with different steak holders and came…
A couple of months ago we sent a plastic shredder and injection molding machine up to the Learning Lions Campus on the western shores of lake Turkana. Last week we…
Plastiki Rafiki is proud to have partnered with Dunga Hill Camp and the Flipflopi to open a new grassroots community recycling space in on the shores of Lake Victoria. We…
Grassroots Recycling with Plastiki Rafiki - Last month Plastiki Rafiki participated in the "Takataka ni Mali" Workshop in Kisumu led by The Flipflopi Project, the County Government of Kisumu and…
Plastiki Rafiki Partners with Flipflopi for the Lake Victoria Expedition Plastiki Rafiki is excited to announce a partnership with the Flipflopi project for their upcoming Lake Victoria expedition. The purpose…
Yes, The Flipflopi Expedition that designed, built and sailed a 9 meter traditional Swahili Dhow made entirely from recycled plastic from Lamu to Zanzibar last year. This year they are taking their…
A big shout out to Boy Scout Troop 140 in the Trans-Atlantic Council (BSA). They recently climbed Mt. Kenya, hiking up the Sirimon route and coming down Chogoria route over…
Reusable interlocking flatpack planting pots for tree seedlings made out of 100% recycled plastic. Transfer your carefully raised seedlings without disturbing the roots and creating rubbish through the use of…
The ISK Inspiration Initiative! ISK has partnered with Village Market for the past 2 years in a program called the Inspired Shopping Campaign. All shoppers need to do is confirm…
In search of the perfect Seedball! Inspired by SeedballsKenya, the ISK Greenhouse Club and Plastiki Rafiki have built a seedball compactor and have been experimenting with different seedball casings and tree…
As we count the days till the end of 2019 we wanted to share some numbers from last year.... Machines: We have built 6 different compression molding machines, 4 injection…
ISK 3rd grade students visit our plastic recycling workshop as part of their “matter” unit (materials turning from solid to liquid form) and create seed planters out of extruded plastic…
Nice to see our machines and product molds being used to create unique products in Diani! Working together towards a cleaner and greener Kenya #plastikirafiki
Fútbol Más (http://futbolmas.org/en/kenya/) a well-established youth program based in Mathare and Kibera, uses football as a medium for learning and developing resilience and life skills for young people between the…
Plastiki Rafiki, Students for the Environment Club and Savage Wilderness Safaris came together during the annual International School of Kenya intercultural trip to lead a rubbish collection and awareness drive…
Transferring what we have learned from setting up and running Plastiki Rafiki over the past year, the club has been working towards setting up other workshops outside the school walls,…
As part of the “Homes” Unit, ISK Pre-K kids learn about the importance of recycling and the impact of plastic on the environment. During the course of the unit students…